Thursday, September 25, 2008

Small Heart Attack

In the last month we have been to the E.R. 4 times for Christopher. The little booger is trying to give me a heart attack!
1st time: Ate peanut butter, had to apply his epi-pen and take him in for an allergic reaction.
2nd time: Got really sick, trouble breathing.
3rd time: X-rays from 2nd time weren't good looking and needed to do a check up.
4th time: TODAY!! Jumps into the bath tub while I am in in, gets stuck head down in the water for about 10 seconds, bring him up and he isn't breathing for 10 seconds.
Now I know that 10 seconds isn't that long, its quite possible to hold your breath for 20 seconds total, but he wasn't trying to hold his breath. Not breathing for 10 seconds when you bring him up because he's inhaled a lot of water is REALLY FREAKING SCARY!!
Well he checked out fine at the E.R. just need to keep an eye on him, watch his temperature and make sure he doesn't start coughing because he could develop pneumonia from the water in his lungs. Unfortunately they are unable to see just plain water in lungs unless it starts to cause an infection. Well I'm positive he inhaled water, but it is just going to have to work its way out on its own. Hopefully with the help of his inhaler we can keep his throat and lungs open enough that no infection starts. Hahaha The only problem is that he screams when I give him his inhaler. No it doesn't hurt him, he just really doesn't like it. I don't blame him either, I took a puff on it, and it tastes disgusting!

I ordered Christopher's cake today for his birthday. Tomorrow I am hoping to go shopping with Davey and pick him up a few decorations, and presents. Nothing too extreme, just a few things, after all I have to save something for Christmas!
I'm really excited about him turning 1 year old. He is only 6 days away from it! Less than a week Yay! Unfortunately it doesn't look like my mom is going to be coming, but there is a possibility that my dad is, so that will be nice to have some family around. I have also invited a few people from the church, (friends of ours) to come over and celebrate with us by having dinner. We are eating over at my best friend Amanda's home. Her place is A: a LOT cleaner than ours is and B: has a lot more room. So it's really nice that she's doing it. (I think she just really wanted to make sure that she was invited. Hahaha Just kidding)