Monday, September 15, 2008

One of those days

Well today has been tough for me. I'm physically worn out, and emotionally ready to just quit and start over. I feel so over my head, frustrated, aggrivated, and annoyed with my life, and the worst feeling of all, trapped.
I have no where to run to, no ONE to run to, and no one I really feel that comfortable talking with about everything.
I want to just run away from all of my problems, pack Christopher up and him and I just start a new life together. Just him and I. No one else. No friends to hurt us, no other parent to argue with, just a fresh clean start.
However I've been told that that would be a lot more work than fixing the current situation that I am in right now. Doesn't seem like it to me though.
I have my good moments about being back in California, and my bad moments. As a wife, I feel like I've given it my all and it was completely wasted, as a mother, I feel like I need a little break but it will never happen, and as a person I want a friend.