Monday, November 3, 2008

Sippy Cup Diary Narrative by Aiden

Aiden: I had a lot of fun today. My Nana and Papa had come to visit me over the weekend. I was really sad when they left, I cried A LOT! Wendy tried asking me a lot of questions, I could tell she was trying to distract me because Nana and Papa were driving away. No question worked, but then when she asked me if I wanted to get my hair done I said YES!! She put two bows in my hair and to show her how much I loved her playing with my hair, I kept taking them out so she could put them back in. Eventually she didn't put them back in again.
We got to eat food too! She let us dip some chips into guacomole. She even would let me dip the same chip in over and over again. We at the whole bowl!! Then a little later we got hungry again and she gave us some popcorn. It was hot, so we told her "Hot Hot!!" we didn't want her to get hurt. Then we showed her how to cool it off. We blew on the popcorn and it went all over the table!!
I was a big helper today, I kept bringing Christopher his bottle when he would drop it.
I found the best place in the world today to swing! The bar in front of the sink. First I opened the doors under the sink, then I grabbed on and swung away! Wendy thought that I was silly.
We watched a few episodes of Sesame Street and then we got to watch the movie Balto! It was about a dog in the snow.


twinmommy said...

Haha! That is the cutest thing ever. I need t rint it out and save it!